Content marketing agency

Content marketing is indispensable for the findability of a company. It also increases authenticity and gives a company or organisation a reliable image. Yet the definition of content marketing often eludes people. And why is it wise to engage a content marketing agency?

Sharing relevant, attractive and inspiring information with prospects and customers. This is how we would best describe content marketing. It involves diving deep into the world of the target group. What interests this group? What information is of real use to them? And how can your content help them make better choices and get more out of your personal services and products? By taking a strategic approach to content production, you ensure that people see your company as a reliable source of information. As a result, as an entrepreneur, you create much more trust and sympathy, which ultimately leads to better word-of-mouth advertising and, of course, more actual customers.
Are you planning to start with content marketing yourself? And are you not entirely convinced whether you should hire a content marketing agency for this? Then read the 5 arguments below and discover why outsourcing content marketing is definitely worth it.

1. The axis of online marketing

Content marketing is the pivot of your entire online marketing. Without good content a good findability of the company simply does not exist. You have to do something with content marketing to put your company or organisation on the map. Content marketing does not only ensure that a website ends up higher in the search results via Google, but also strengthens other marketing strategies. With the right content, for example, you can also become better known on social media or other online channels. This is then rewarded with more clicks, prospects and ultimately a larger customer base.
In short, effective content marketing is of vital importance in the world of online marketing. Much too important to do it yourself. Not only too important, but also very tricky if you don't know much about it yourself. In that case, outsourcing content marketing is the best choice you can make. For you and your company.

2. Content marketing with a little extra colour

Some companies choose to deliver all their content themselves. This is of course possible, but it often provides a very one-sided view on the relevance of information. Especially when this is provided by the same person over a longer period of time. Staying creative can then be quite difficult. Just a different angle or view can help enormously in inspiring viewers, making them enthusiastic and even ensuring that they stick around. By outsourcing (possibly partially) content marketing, you add colour to your online presence and put your company in the online spotlights without a doubt.

3. Save time

Content marketing is also called the heart of online marketing. Therefore, it is not only necessary that it is done in the right way, but also that new content is delivered very regularly. This means easily a few extra hours of work every day. Hours that you could have invested in the work within the company. That's a shame!
Also remember that keeping your knowledge of content marketing up to date takes a lot of time. It is, however, necessary to expand your knowledge and to keep an eye on the newest things concerning content marketing. If you start lagging behind, you run the risk of other companies taking over your good position within Google. Again, this will cost you a lot of time. Especially if you have little understanding and/or experience with this.

4. Measurable results

A big advantage of content marketing is that it is very measurable. A content marketing agency can map out to what extent the content delivered by them has had an effect on the amount of conversions, the number of website visitors or the amount of likes and comments on social media. This allows you to quickly see what works and what does not. Moreover, this way you know for sure that the involvement of a content marketing agency has had an effect. This also gives you a better idea of how you can best divide up your marketing budget and which investment will yield the best results. Which is nice.

5. Content marketing gives more insight into the target group

For an effective content marketing campaign, it is important that you have more insight into your target group. That you know what occupies them, how you can best respond to this and what they need. Moreover, content marketing gives you the opportunity to be closer to the customer. You no longer talk to your target group, but you start a conversation with it. This does not only create a much better bond of trust, but it also ensures that you receive valuable information from the content marketer to apply in your own products or services.

A content marketing agency knows exactly how to reach the target group and how they can best elicit responses and thus process more information. This is then passed on to you as an entrepreneur. You should definitely take advantage of this. Content marketing does not only provide a higher findability and a better name for the company, but also gives the necessary tools to improve the company.

Do it yourself or hire a content marketing agency?

Now that you know how it all works, the question is whether you want to do it yourself or whether you want to outsource it to a content marketing agency. You can of course make sure that your website is in order. However, this will take a lot of time. Not only in writing the texts, but also in finding out how you should approach this exactly for the best results. Digital newsgroup knows all the latest developments in the field of SEO and knows exactly how to proceed. This allows them to work quickly and you do not need to lose any time in taking your (online) business to the next level. 

Would you like to grow your business and are you looking for specialists to lift your content to a higher level? Then you have come to the right place at our content marketing agency in Tilburg. We have creative, analytically strong and result-oriented marketers who will take your company to the highest online level. We specialise in content marketing, SEO and link building. Curious about what we can do for you? Then get in touch with us!

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