Outsource search engine marketing

It is important for every company today to be visible online. After all, that is how you reach the largest target group. The fact is that more than 90 per cent of consumers are online. It would be a shame not to make use of this. By deploying various search engine marketing strategies, you can easily achieve more profit. The success of your company stands or falls with an online marketing campaign. When you are more visible online, this will be clearly visible in the results you achieve. 

Online visibility is important. That much is clear. But what if you do not know exactly how this works? Or what if you have the feeling that you have already applied all techniques, but you do not feel that this has been very successful? In such a situation, you might consider outsourcing your search engine marketing. But is that the right choice?

Constantly in motion 

Outsourcing search engine marketing is a much used method to end up higher in the search results faster. There are only a few companies left who manage their entire online marketing strategy themselves. Most entrepreneurs choose to (partially) outsource this. There are several reasons for this. 

First of all, it is important to realise that online marketing is complex and seems to change constantly. New possibilities and marketing trends appear every year. The algorithm of search engines also seems to change almost continuously. That is why it is important to keep your knowledge up-to-date. That takes a lot of time. Something you often do not have as an entrepreneur. What's more, knowledge is often lacking. You can read as much as you like about the various marketing strategies, the actual application of these strategies is often a completely different story. 

It is therefore no wonder that more and more entrepreneurs choose to outsource their online marketing to people who have the time and the tools to make it work. In this way, you not only save a lot of time, but you also know for sure that it is done in the right way. 

Advantages of outsourcing search engine marketing 

Most people find it quite exciting to put their search engine marketing in the hands of someone else. After all, this is an essential task to put your company on the digital map. When this is not done in the right way, it does not only cost unnecessary money, but it can also have a negative effect on your ranking in Google. Moreover, you just have to hope that the company has enough affinity and knowledge about your industry to put your company on the map in the right way. We understand these concerns very well, yet they are usually unfounded. Outsourcing search engine marketing has numerous advantages. We will list the 8 biggest advantages for you:

You get more experience 

The biggest advantage of outsourcing search engine marketing is that you get more experience. When you want to be effective in reaching new customers and attracting more visitors, you naturally want this to be done in the right way. Although these days marketing activities are frequently described on the wide web, implementing them is usually a problem. Not only due to a lack of time, but also certainly due to a lack of experience. With a search engine marketer you get someone in your company who knows how to work. Especially when it comes to search engine advertising. 

The reality remains that many entrepreneurs spend hundreds or even thousands of euros on making their website more visible to the general public, only to see it come to nothing. Remember that online marketing is an investment. You should eventually earn this money back (and more!) Therefore you should make sure that a professional is involved. That way, you don't just throw money away. 

Are your competitors very successful on the World Wide Web? Then you should know that the most successful online campaigns have been set up by marketing companies. You can therefore assume that the competition also makes use of this. It would be a shame to miss out on this opportunity. That way you are always one step behind your competitors. 

Saving money 

It may sound strange: saving money by outsourcing search engine marketing. You would say that it is cheaper to do it yourself. We can both answer yes and no to this. When you have the necessary expertise and experience, in some cases it can indeed be cheaper to do it yourself. However, there are only a few entrepreneurs who have this experience. On top of that, you often lack the time. Even if you are very skilled in the application of marketing activities, it is difficult to find the time to actually do it. That time is usually at the expense of the business itself. 

There are also companies who choose to employ someone. However, this means that you have to employ an extra person full time. In addition, it is virtually impossible for one marketer to have knowledge and experience of all online marketing techniques. That is exactly what a marketing agency is all about. They have several people at their disposal who reinforce each other. Thanks to a search engine marketer, you enjoy flexibility and you do not have to pay any expenses when they suddenly drop out, fall ill or go on holiday. 

Also bear in mind that it can cost a lot of money when you use all kinds of different marketing techniques, which in the end don't bring in much. It is usually cheaper to hire someone and be sure that it is done in the right way. That saves a lot of extra worries and costs!

No trouble with marketing tools 

It is not only nice if you know how to apply different marketing techniques, but also if you can measure the results. After all, there is no point in applying marketing techniques if you do not know whether they are effective. That way, if necessary, you cannot make adjustments or know whether your approach is successful. Fortunately, there are quite a few marketing tools available that make it possible to measure these results. On the basis of those marketing tools, you can make a completely new plan of approach. Yet it can be quite difficult to determine the right marketing tools. Because which ones are applicable for your chosen goals? 

A big advantage of marketers is that they know exactly which marketing tools to use and they themselves usually have subscriptions to various possibilities. As a result, they also know from experience which tools work best. In this way, you don't have to buy a lot of different marketing tools yourself (against payment), but you can benefit from the knowledge, experience and memberships of the marketing agency. 

A fresh look at the company 

Partly because of your love for the company, it is only logical that you sometimes find it difficult to remain objective. After all, how can you remain objective if you have built a company from scratch? It is no wonder then that you can't see the mistakes within the company. This also applies to people who have been working here for a long time. That is why it is sometimes good to admit a new person into the company. Someone who can give a fresh view of the company objectively. That way, you know where things are still lacking and how you can possibly solve them. That gives you inspiration and the tools you need to make your company grow (online). 

You know exactly what it will give you 

The biggest disadvantage of investing is that you don't always see what it will actually produce. That's why it can be quite scary to bring in a third party. What if it just costs you tons of money and does nothing for the company? Fortunately, these fears are unfounded. A major advantage of search engine marketing is that the results are fully measurable. This allows you to see the effect of every euro you have spent so far. Even if you are not yet convinced of the effect of an online marketing agency, you will find out this way (or not). 

If the marketing agency does not provide you with (enough) profit, you can always choose to hire someone else or to carry out part of the work yourself. So there is no need to throw money away without knowing what effect it will have. Thanks to simple tools such as Google Analytics, you can immediately see how you are doing and what the marketing agency has brought you so far. 

Do realise that getting higher in the non-paid search results of Google takes time. Do not expect miracles in the short term. However, you should be able to see some effect every month. Over time, this effect will continue to expand, until you can enjoy long-term results. Good to keep an eye on yourself or to ask the marketing agency if they can regularly show you the results. 

You are not tied down to anything 

When you employ someone to take care of the online marketing for your company, it also means that you are tied to terms of employment. However, if you hire an online marketing agency, you are not tied to anything. You agree on an amount together and that is it. No other conditions of employment and you can stop the contact whenever you want. If it does not work out with the marketing agency or if the results are not optimal, then you can simply stop the contract and look elsewhere. 

Also when your company is doing less well, you can temporarily choose to save costs on this. If it does not work out with the marketing agency, you can always look elsewhere. There are plenty of other online marketing specialists who would like to set up effective search engine marketing campaigns with you. It's up to you who you choose and how long you make use of their services. You are not tied down to anything! 

More time for business 

Being busy with online marketing costs a lot of time. Also to keep the knowledge up-to-date. This time is subsequently at the expense of your entrepreneurship. After all, you have less time to do business, to make contact with the customer and to optimise your products and services when you manage your online marketing yourself. As soon as you choose to use a professional marketing agency, you save a lot of time. Time you can invest in your business. You do what you are good at and they do what they are good at. 

Doing search engine marketing yourself 

There may of course also be reasons to do search engine marketing yourself. Despite the disadvantages, there are also some advantages. It is up to you to decide which advantages weigh the most. That is why we would like to explain the advantages. 

You know exactly how things work in your company. You are also familiar with the sector and the target group. This makes it a lot easier to choose the right marketing options. When you keep the online marketing in-house, you also learn more about your company.

In some cases, the SEO company lags behind in knowledge of the various marketing activities. This is often already obvious when visiting their website. Think for example of texts that are full of keywords. It is therefore important to always compare different companies and read customer reviews. When you keep the online marketing in-house, you avoid high costs because you might choose the wrong marketing agency. 

Despite these advantages, in most cases it is more beneficial to use an SEO company. However, you can also opt for an intermediate solution. By keeping a part of the SEO in its own management and the part where you know less about the marketing agency to leave. That way, you save costs and you know for sure that everything is done correctly. Win-win!

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